Friday, 12 September 2014

What a great summer- and time to get ready for fall!

Nurturing Nature has had a great first spring and summer!  I helped create some great native plant gardens and helped many people keep their gardens from being swallowed by weeds!  It's been wonderful meeting so many nice people and helping you make your gardens beautiful and good for the earth! 

So many people ask about trimming and I usually caution them to wait to do any major cutting back until the fall- so now is the time!  I'm happy to help come cut back those unruly shrubs, pull out dying flower stalks and all things to get your garden ready for fall.  There's no reason your outdoor space can't be enjoyable for at least another month with the right care!

This picture is of Boneset, which I have added to a few gardens this year and has attracted to many bees and other insects- it makes me happy to see what a difference we can make together!